Sunday, October 24, 2010

Telnet in RHEL 5 on the opening process

1, make sure your telnet service is not open:

[Root @ 111 ~] # chkconfig - list | grep telnet

ekrb5-telnet: off

krb5-telnet: off

[Root @ 111 ~] #

Note here that off test results

2, open the telnet service:

[Root @ 111 ~] # chkconfig krb5-telnet on

[Root @ 111 ~] # chkconfig - list | grep telnet

ekrb5-telnet: offv

krb5-telnet: on

[Root @ 111 ~] #

Inspection has been opened

3, modify the login files securetty, a major increase to the terminal point of landing

[Root @ 111 ~] # vi / etc / securetty

Add the following lines:

pts / 1

pts / 2

pts / 3

pts / 4

pts / 5

... ...

Save eject.

If chkconfig krb5-telnet on

Prompts Unencrypted connection refused. Goodbye.Connection closed by foreign host. See the error message seems to be saying for the encrypted connection is rejected, view his profile did not find any on the encryption option, and the configuration file is also correct, then go to google search a large circle, and finally find a foreigner to write a solution:

I really needed a bit of guidance and you provided it. / sbin / chkconfig - list | grep telnetThe above command told me I had both krb5-telnet and ekrb5-telnet, andalso the installed telnet all on. Initially I did not know what theywere all for. After turning them on and off and testing my telnetconnection from another box I realised that "ekrb5-telnet" was theencrypted telnet server that I needed to turn off to run "krb-telnet" which allowed non-encrypted telnet / sbin / chkconfig ekrb5-telnet offThanks for your help.

Original ekrb5-telnet is a need to encrypt the telnet service to start on the course, this service requires encryption. Solutions: / etc/xinetd.d/ekrb5-telnet inside disable change = yes, then restart the xinetd service xinetd restart service to OK it!

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Monday, October 18, 2010

jusched.exe What process? How to disable?

jusched.exe What is the process? how to disable?

Many people close to open the task bar manager of a process or look in the end what is taking up a huge system resources will find a file named "jusched.exe" process, but in that it takes a lot of resources but also hesitant , and why this process is used in the end? energy can not just end?

In fact, jusched.exe is a process related to Java, Java whenever an update is detected, this process will appear in the task bar manager process list, but the good news generally only checked once a month, but the problem is This process will take up much CPU and memory, often causing the machine very card.

In fact, if you want to disable is also very simple, open Control Panel - Additional Options-Java-Update - uncheck "Automatically detect updates" button. But if learning Java or need to be updated, it can be regularly updated with the scheduled tasks, as long as other less frequently on the line.

* Start Menu - Search Task Scheduler

* Add Scheduled Task

* Enter jusched.exe

* Path should be the C: Program FilesJavajre1.6.0_01binjucheck.exe

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Friday, October 8, 2010

LINQ advanced features brief

This article describes the advanced features of LINQ, which includes a concern for all usage and the use of dynamic query IQueryable expression trees based on the data source to construct a dynamic query.

Advanced features of the dynamic query LINQ

Such a scenario: the application may provide a user interface, users can specify the user interface one or more predicates to filter the data. This situation did not know at compile time check the details of dynamic query will be very useful.

In LINQ in, Lambda expressions are a number of the basis of standard query operators, the compiler creates lambda expression to capture the underlying query methods (such as Where, Select, Order By, Take While, and other methods) defined in the calculations. Expression tree structure of the data source used for the query, the data source to achieve IQueryable. For example, LINQ to SQL provider to implement the IQueryable interface, used to query relational data storage. C # and Visual Basic compiler will check for the compilation of such data sources for the code, the code will be generated at run time an expression tree. Then, the query provider can traverse an expression tree data structure and convert it to fit the data source query language.

LINQ expression tree is used in that type assigned to Lambda Expression of variable expression. Can also be used to create dynamic LINQ query.

System.Linq.Expressions namespace provides for manually generated expression tree API. Expression class contains a particular type of expression to create tree nodes static factory method, for example, ParameterExpression (that a named parameter expression) or MethodCallExpression (represents a method call). Compiler generates an expression tree is always the root of the node in the type of Expression, which TDelegate that contains up to five input parameters of any TDelegate commission; that is, its root is that a lambda expression.

The following examples describe how to use the expression tree to create a dynamic LINQ query.

Select advanced features of LINQ

The following example shows how to use IQueryable expression trees based on the data source to construct a dynamic query, the query of each customer's ContactName, and methods for their use GetCommand generated SQL statement.

/ / Based on the data source to construct a query IQueryable
IQueryable custs = db.Customers;
/ / Set up an expression tree to create a parameter
ParameterExpressionparam = Expression.Parameter (typeof (Customer), "c");
/ / Set expression tree
c.ContactNameExpressionselector = Expression.Property (param, typeof (Customer).
GetProperty ("ContactName"));
ExpressionExpressionpred = Expression.Lambda (selector, param);
/ / Set up the expression tree: Select (c => c.ContactName) ExpressionExpressionexpr = Expression.Call
(Typeof (Queryable), "Select", newType [] (typeof (Customer), typeof (string)),
Expression.Constant (custs), pred);
/ / Use the expression tree to generate dynamic query IQueryable query = db.Customers.AsQueryable ()
. Provider.CreateQuery (expr);
/ / Use method for SQL statements GetCommand
System.Data.Common.DbCommandcmd = db.GetCommand (query);
Console.WriteLine (cmd.CommandText);

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